Bored of Cold Weather and Snow? Drop in for a few good books! Some new ones include:
Pretty Monsters by Kelly Link
Several short stories that are all a little weird, scarey, surreal, and very good!
Getting the Girl: A Guide to Private Investigation, Surveillance, and Cookery by Susan Juby
Sherman Mack is a geeky freshman looking to solve the mystery of being D-Listed at his school. Every girl lives in fear of it, but nobody is really sure who is responsible for it, and when a girl Sherman likes is in danger of making the list nobody wants to be on, Sherman is determined to save her. Amusing and funny!
How to Ditch Your Fairy by Justine Larbalestier
In New Avalon, everyone has a personal fairy who is vital to each person's success. Charlie's hates having a parking fairy, and she teams up with her archenemy to execute her plan. Turns out getting what she wants is nothing like she thought it would be! A great story of friendship, fairies and creating your own magic.
Some other great titles to look for:
He Forgot to Say Goodbye by Saenz
Antsy Does Time by Shusterman
Does This Book Make Me Look Fat edited by Walsh
Nation by Pratchett
Genius Squad by Jinks