by Susanne Collins
The Hunger Games is the first novel in the trilogy, and introduces readers to a futuristic dystopian society where an overpowering government controls the lives and resources in twelve different districts. Each year, as punishment for District 13's attempted rebellion, two children in each district are chosen by lottery to fight each other to the death in an arena. The event is called the Hunger Games and is televised for everyone in the Capitol to see; the winner is given food and a life of ease for themselves and their families, along with food and resources for their district. Katniss Everdeen’s little sister is chosen to fight, but Katniss volunteers to replace her and is taken to the Capitol with Peeta, a boy from her school, to fight other children in the Hunger Games.
Now is a perfect time to read, or re-read, the first in the Hunger Games trilogy and discuss it with fellow readers!
We will meet on April 8th at 3:30pm. The group is open to all patrons in 6th grade or older, and copies of the book are available at the Youth Services Desk.
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