Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mr. and Mrs.Bunny--Detectives Extraordinaire! by Polly Horvath.  
A hilarious book about bunny detectives who help Mildred, a 5th grader, find her parents who have been kidnapped by foxes.  You will be chuckling at the way the detectives go about solving the mystery, the marmot eats, the way the foxes talk and the girl reacts! 
-Reviewed by Janice

Let us know what you think of this adorably hilarious book!  If you like Mr. and Mrs.Bunny--Detectives Extraordinaire! you might like the following read-alikes:
The Tale of Hill Top Farm by Susan Wittig Albert
Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat by Lynne Jonell
The Bunnicula Series by Deborah and James Howe

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